Thursday, February 19, 2009

More Bright parts made in the Sewing Cave!

I keep adding more parts to this quilt....I told myself I wanted to keep this one small enough to hand quilt with out being buried. hmmm Well I am use these "sawtooth strips to devide the larger blocks. I decided to add a strip of flying geese to add a center line to the quilt.

I started sewing the parts in rows and found I needed to make a couple more liberated stars.

This is Princess servaying her domain, but it isn't her good side. (by the way the HUGE tv that over powers my liveing room is the one we brought home from when we had to close the bar lol)

Ah Here is her good side.

1 comment:

  1. very fun. I love the purple and green in the top pic. sweet kitty!
