Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Crumbs are multiplying

Not a lot going on here. Only 3 more Wednesdays till school is out! (Grin) Still sewing crumbs. The quilt is growing on the design wall. Click on it to super size it and see all the details. My Dh (bless him) planted some heirloom tomatoes (don't know why he doesn't eat them) a couple of weeks ago. I told him it was way too early. lol and he cleaned up and cut up some finger potatoes ready to plant. The three old lady goats and ancient sheep happily ate them. lol (goats usually do not eat tomatoes and I told dh to fix the electric fence) I went out last night while he was watering his peas and radishes and tomatoe stumps and asked me how the goat food oh excuses me garden was doing? He gave me a dirty look and told me to go sew. LOL Our dd works part time in the summer for a huge fresh produce stand. We can get almost all the fresh produce we can eat for almost free. lol I grew a garden for years as the little red hen (no help from anyone) Don't know why he wants to garden now?? He did last year too? lol Oh well keeps him out of trouble and feeds the goats. LOL
Tomato stump (hee hee)

He did clean out my ponds ( and yes this pond is a stock water tank I dug a whole in the ground and put it in.)

Here is another pond, it was a kit the family got me 7 or 8 years ago for mother's day. Oh my look at all the weeds.

This cat showed up a week or so ago with the wild yard cats. I heard little mews under an old door. I can't believe she let me get this close. I thought she was wild. well maybe she is one I can tame down enough to get fix. Seems like the ones I get fix disappear or feed themselves to the coyotes. I feed about 20 or so wild cats. We don't have mice or gophers.

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  1. I love that quilt! So fun and cheerful!

  2. Looks like your DH has got spring I love your crum quilt. I am counting down to my arrival on Friday to Idaho. E-mail me your number so we can meet and I'll e-mail you mine.

  3. Love your crumbs, and the sweet cat and kitties. Ohhh... I would love to see them in person. (And love your Shake the Sillies Out song)

  4. I love the "crumbs". So bright and whimsical! Keep posting pics of your progress for us!

    I wish somebody was telling me to "just go sew!" (laughing) If your hubby wants to meddle in the garden, and tells you to go ahead and sew...I say let him meddle! Even if the animals eat his efforts! Too funny!

  5. the crumbs are gorgeous - love 'em. mmm, heirloom tomatoes sure sound yummy. sweet kitties, look out for the coyotes!

  6. Your crumbs are coming along nicely. Good for you for feeding and fixing the cats in your area.. At least they repay you by taking care of the mice.

  7. Tomato that's FUNNY!

    That cat is so pretty! I hope that she doesn't feed herself to the coyotes! (never heard it put that way before-kinda reminds me of the gingerbread man in the Shrek movie...Eat Me)

    Your crumbs look great! I will start quilting my latest string block quilt this week. I am ready for another scrappy quilt top already! Tons of inspiration right here!

  8. I said they are addictive. Great blocks.

    Oh cat please stay safe where you are. Don't move on.
