Friday, April 3, 2009

Look what a clean Sewing Cave can do

Last weekend I organized the Sewing cave. While I was going through the scraps this is what I made. I love making funky stars and a had a couple wonky houses so there you go. I had some black squares, different sizes and a couple different prints. I still used them in the stars they went together ok. The white sashing I had to bring out of the stash and still need to finish it. As you can see the strips are not yet sewn together.
I still need to figure out what color I want to border it with and how I'm going to quilt it. I want to try free motion quilting with my sewing machine. I have never done free motion on a project this large. I have quilted many 12" blocks that I made into raggy quilts.

Now on a different subject. My beloved ER ended last night. The retrospect they did before the show was more emotional then the show itself. I thought it was anti climatic, I was not impressed. I will miss my ER friends of 15 years.
Well it is spring. Rainy, windy, hale, then sunshine and rainbows. Still cold but this is spring. Front yards have turned green like over night.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Pictures around the farm.

Home Sweet Home. It was real stormy yesterday. I took this picture from the mailbox when I got home from work yesterday. I AM ready for something green. Here is my bus. 10 minutes after this picture was taken it was blowing rain and hale sideways. Of course it had to wait till the kids were getting out of school and on the bus. The all smelled like wet dogs mixed with peanut butter. lol boy was the hale noisy hitting the roof of the bus. Kids were real quiet with BIG EYES!
The night before we had bad winds. It blew this sprinkler wheel line across this field. I would not have thought that there was enough silhouette to blow it, and they are not exactly light.

Only thing stopping the wheel line from being in the road is the telephone poles. Actually bent the sprinkler pipes.

I wonder if farm insurance will cover this.

Sorry no pictures of sewing. I am sewing but nothing to show yet. Loving the newly cleaned up Sewing Cave.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Organizeing sewing Cave

OMG! This is ridiculus! I had NO idea! Two days ago I started organizeing my fabric stash and had no clue what I had. This picture is the top drawer only fat quarters. I still have more fabric to fold and scraps to organize. Two large bins.
Here are more fabrics folded that need a drawer.

Six drawers full and I need to go get another one of these three drawer units. I had fabric stashed in bags and bins all over. I CAN not buy any more fabric! Only problem is most of my stash is one yard cuts or smaller so I do need larger pieces for backing. hmmm. I do have a couple of bolts of fabric in the other room but it is too nice to use as backing.

Organizing fabric stashI haven't organized by color yet. I'm just lucky to get everything together in one place. lol I now am going to take a pledge to make items only useing scraps and crumbs like Bonnie from